Pledge kindness

One pledge of one act of kindness by each of us would be 25 million acts of kindness in Australia.

do something kind

Our Kindness Wall

I pledge to treat others as I like to be treated myself, I will take it upon myself to make sure if I see someone struggling to help them
I will help, assist show genuine care, go out of my way (even when others say that's not your job) and be compassionate & respectful
I pledge to continue to support anyone in need by showing kindness whenever I can. You never know what's going on in someones life
I pledge to smile and acknowledge those I meet or just see in the street. To be the best I can be.
I pledge to think before I speak and choose the kind road instead of judging or saying harsh things. Empathy and kindness above all.
I pledge to continue to be nice to all and strive to be even kinder treating people with respect and appreciation.
I will smile, I will help, I will hug, I will acknowledge, I will love
I pledge kindness to everyone I deal with in my job, some have had difficult lives and a smile, a word of kindness may brighten their day
I pledge to make an effort to make kindness my default setting, not only in the way I treat those close to me, but also strangers
Do more little things. Smile at more strangers, leave little positive notes in random places and ask if people are ok
I pledge to spread kindness, to make smiling contageous, for a smile can change someone's day! To listen, hear, praise and encourage!
I will smile at strangers, reach out to people who look 'lost', and be aware and mindful of those around me, and what they might be feeling
To commit a random act of kindness every day. I pledge to continue this and to support your initiative by talking about your foundation
I pledge to be kind, speak up & compliment when I see people helping & smile at strangers . That smile or compliment could change their day
I pledge to take a moment of my day to smile, greet and compliment at least three people everyday as you never know whattheyre going through
Always show acts of kindness and help/offer people who need some guidance as to why their anger or any other big emotions are troubling them
Focus on the good in people and, listen and support through kindness. Smile more at people, its often infectious.
To be more kind to everyone I know, and the strangers I come across along the way not only in July but everyday for the rest of my life
I will smile at strangers, try not to judge people at face value or at the decisions that they make. Progress not perfection xoxo
I will smile and say hello, and lead a helping hand. I will continue to teach and show my children the impact of a simple act of kindness
To be more kind to the people in my life not only in July but for life.
To make my first thought to be kind
To make sure I can help at least one person everyday with a smile, a phone call, a message, a Thankyou even when I am feeling down myself.
To encourage more of my son's friends to spend more time around our home so they know they have another safe place to go
To keep smiling at people and telling people how nice they look , I often sit down with elderly people and just start talking to them
To look for the best in people, give the benefit of the doubt, and engage from a place of understanding, optimism, and respect.
Say something complimentary every day to someone who might need it, or just to boost happiness and generate good energy amongst friends
I pledge to be more kind to others, say hello, be around for others more, worry about the little things less and not be selfish.
I will Pause to think and consider other peoples feelings before responding or taking action.
I pledge to be more aware of the people around me & if they dont seem ok, I will start a conversation with them.
Make a worthwhile donation and smile at strangers
I will do an act of kindness every day, even if it is only as simple as smiling and greeting others, to helping anyone in need.
Smile and say hello to everyone I meet . I'd like to help the homeless people.
I pledge to show one act of kindness every day, no matter how small, because one small act could be all it takes to change someones day.
I pledge to look up and notice more people. I pledge to start conversations and to be more, empathetic, show more compassion
To smile at more people and ask how they are and to listen to their response
To ask someone "How are you" and mean it. Take time to listen.
I pledge to be more aware of people around me, I pledge to smile more, worry about the little things less and help 1 stranger every day.
I pledge to make kindness my initial go-to reaction. To tell myself that others are doing their best, as I am.
listen to hear them, look at see them, hug feel them, smiles are free..... be the change
#kindjuly to smile and say hello, give someone a hug, give someone a coffee, ask if someone is ok, make someone a home cooked meal.
Spread kindness, empathy, gratitude and acceptance with my students each and everyday