Pledge kindness

One pledge of one act of kindness by each of us would be 25 million acts of kindness in Australia.

do something kind

Our Kindness Wall

The act of kindness I pledge to in July is to give to another mother, who is in need, in our global community.
Pay for someone else behind me when out for dinner
I pledge to notice those around me and consider what they've got going on. I will take the opportunity to check in with someone everyday
Compliment people at least 3 people every day and message or call my family/friends when I think of them rather than putting it off.
Too teach my children the meaning behind kindness and to get them to donate a toy each to someone that could use it more then they would
Be kind to animals and people. Even the rude ones. Theyre the ones who need help the most.
I pledge to do one random act of kindness per day for the month and look for new opportunities everyday to show kindness to people
I will do one act of kindness each day for the month of July.
The act of kindness I will do in July is smile more at people who may be forgotten.
To take the time to listen to others, to be a good wife, mother and friend, to tell someone everyday that they are loved and appreciated
I pledge not to judge others as we do not know their story. I pledge to be kind to others not only for July but from now onwards.
to volunteer at the soup kitchen once a week
Smile at strangers/say good morning/pay for a strangers coffe
Each day I'm out and about I will tell someone that they are my favourite person of the day
Smile to people who I walk past down the street and through the supermarket
Actually look at the people who serve me, say thank you and give them a big smile.
Be more understanding of people and don't be afraid to share me mental illness journey. To do one act of kindness a day
Give a friend a hug and make time so he can share air his problems
I pledge to remind myself every day that everyone is doing the best they can at life, and use this to guide my interactions with anyone
To take the time to sit and listen to a strangers story . To smile and say hello to people I dont know.
sit and talk to a homeless person and see what their immediate needs are and if I can help
Surprise a few people, and pay for their morning coffee
Help more homeless dudes on the street
To offer help and assistance to those I pass who look like they could use a hand. Even the gesture might be enough to warrant a smile
One act of kindness can set someone free so I pledge to give kindness with all my heart, in hope of making this contagious!
Smile at random peple
Remember everyone is on their own journey, show respect for every person regardless of their circumstances.
Generally be nicer & more helpful to family & everyone i come in contact with on a daily basis
To follow once of the suggestions everyday and to ask, "What did you do that was kind today?"
Do as much as I can to support the STAYKIND movement, by encouraging others to get involved and living in a way that is conscious kind
I send out a good morning messages to all my friends by txt message and on messenger
I will be kind to others by using positive and uplifting behaviour. I will be a listening ear.
In July I will continue to be kind by helping people in little ways by listening but being honest and saying a simple hello to our friends
In my job I meet people from all walks of life and of all vulnerabilities. I pledge to be kind to strangers and coworkers
Always remember that everyone has something tough going on - I pledge to not judge just be there . In the moment - in any small way that can
listen before speaking and look for people who need a kind word
I will wont judge. I will make sure I am conscious that everyone is fighting a battle that I dont know
Be kinder towards my family and more understanding and supportive to my friends
Be present with friends, family, and colleagues, speak and act with kindness in all interactions.
I pledge to at least one conscious act of kindness per day, at least one smile to someone l don't know, and encourage kindness in others
I will make a conscious decision to give my full attention to my friends & loved ones, not be in a hurry, give them lots of hugs
I pledge to do actively do something kind every day and get as many people involved and supporting this organisation as I can