About Kind July
do something kind every day
Kind July is doing an act of kindness every day, in the month Thomas Kelly lost his life to violence, and Stuart Kelly lost his life to suicide after being targeted by bullies.
Imagine being part of making the world a kinder place. That’s why the Stay Kind movement is encouraging you to join us to do something kind each day in July.
Imagine how you feel when someone is kind to you? Did you know that staying kind triggers powerful positive feelings in you? So, it’s not just the receiver who benefits! Here’s some inspirational kindness to get you started. Register for our Kind July Challenge for even more.
- making tea for a mum who has a lot to do. You can be that someone.
- telling someone on your team they’ve done a good job or being there to listen when a friend needs you. You can be that someone.
- planning a Kindness Brunch for family or friends to celebrating kindness. You can be that someone.
- including someone new at school in your group. You can be that someone.
- registering to be kind every day. You can be that someone.

Keep reading
Participate in various challenges to be kind this Kind July.
Plan a Kindness Brunch for family or friends and celebrating being kind.
Take a look and participate in all of our events in July.