The UNSW evaluation determined that the benefits of the TKSS program are estimated at $7.46 million and operating costs at $2.79 million with a benefit-cost ratio of 2.67, suggesting that a $1 investment in the program results in $2.67 of benefits.
When the TKSS program was fully operational in three sites (i.e., in 2016-17), the benefit-cost ratio increased to 3.83, suggesting that a $1 investment in the program results in $3.83 of benefits. These results are conservative and the return on investment is likely to be much higher given that the analysis does not quantify the full spectrum of benefits associated with the TKSS program such as: improved public safety and amenity; more efficient resource allocation for service providers; improved partnership, communication and resourcing to manage Sydney nightlife; and, the flow on effects for tourism and investment.
We note that whilst there may be a significant demand for the program for more sites and these would generate greater return on investment and community savings with more sites, operations are dependent on funding available at the time. We take pride in the fact that we are far exceeding a $1 for $1 return on a community intervention program, which is generally, an unexpected outcome for such programs.