I believe all that we give, is given back to us. Give🌈 kindness then 🌈kindness will be given back to you.
I want to encourage more people to do the things that make them happy. Be kind, be forgiving, be patient & be a good example.
I pledge to be kind to everyone all the time.
All beings will I invite to the banquet as guests
I pledge to continue to show kindness and empathy to those around me. Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give!
I pledge to randomly compliment my friends, family and colleagues on an ongoing basis.
I will be kind, approach others with curiosity, and keep an open heart and mind. I will remain compassionate and have empathy for others.
One this being a mum has taught me is that kindness is natural, you don't need to teach kindness. Today I pledge to put kindness first!
I pledge to make my work a kinder place by doing something kind for someone in my team, department or someone new I challenge myself to meet
I pledge to take a trauma informed approach to clients and colleagues I work with.
I pledge to show kindness to a stranger at least once a week. I also pledge to bring a smile to those around me, to be attentive and kind.
I pledge to approach each person/ situation with kindness, empathy, an open heart, and seek to understand the deeper context behind words.
I pledge to share the spirit of Ubuntu, the sense of interconnectedness between all persons and our physical environment, through my work.
I pledge to teach children to be kind to other people and to animals.
I pledge to put kindness first and make it a priority around decision making and everything I do.
I want to create an inclusive, supportive, honest space at work within both our branch and our leadership team
I will be kind to the elderly, my elderly neighbours and check in on them more regularly to see if they need help.
I will be kind to my fellow animals by not exploiting or using them in any way and I will enourage others to respect the rights of animals.
I Pledge to be kind to everyone every day, be helpful, respectful and always think positive.
I pledge to find ways to offer kindness to others, whether they be in need or not. I pledge to act with thoughtfulness when I can.
I pledge to be kinder to others and myself, and to spread kindness.
I pledge to continue to do a kind act regularly so that this becomes a positive habit in my life and to be a role model for others.
If any of my clients have a friend in need, I will give the friend a free psychotherapy or art therapy session any day in July.
I was very kind to Claudia.
I was very kind to Tiana.
I will remember that people want to do their best
I will not yell today
I pledge to always be kind to myself and others every day that I walk this beautiful earth.
I will bake some cookies for a single dad and his kids
I will hide gifts about the place with Lil conversation starters 😁
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I pledge to move forward always choosing kindness by maintaining an unbiased perspective and doing what is best for myself and others
I pledge to always be kind and encourage the same in others in the hope of contributing to a groundswell of kindness across Australia.
I pledge to think of kindness every day and help others where I can.
I pledge to be kind to myself and to help others be kind to themselves and each other
I pledge to keep shining my light and sending nothing but unconditional love to all, even the ones that have hurt me so deeply 💚
We promise to work together to make our school a kinder place through our words and our actions.
I pledge to continue being compassionate, empathetic, kind and to share my humour especially in times of darkness xo
I pledge to be kinder to others and myself, and to spread kindness.
I pledge to be kinder
I pledge to be a kinder person in all my relationships and consciously do random acts of kindness in community.
I pledge to be a kinder person in all my relationships and consciously do random acts of kindness in community.