Pledge kindness

One pledge of one act of kindness by each of us would be 25 million acts of kindness in Australia.

do something kind

Our Kindness Wall

I pledge to take care of my family and friends and be happy for their successes and be there for them in their weakest moments.
I pledge to help my family and friends whenever they need and listen to their problems.
I pledge to be kind to students and family members.
I pledge to dry July for which all funds go to cancer sufferers.
I pledge to be kind to my family, co-workers, clients, community and myself.
To my beautiful wife Paula. She deserves all the kindness in the world I love her to bits
I want to unlock my human potential and be considerate and kind to those around me and help others when I can
I want to make Kindness Cool and help youth in particular understand the benefits to self , others and the environment .
I want to be kind & considerate as often as possible. I want to encourage others to take on a kindness mindset.
I want to create a community where people feel a sense of belonging and are able to receive as well as spread kindness throughout.
i want people to feel more secure within themselves to reach out for help when they need it
I pledge to show kindness and caring towards myself and others everyday! To bring happiness and joy into peoples lives one act at a time đź’•
I pledge to be kind to others and to check in on friends and family more regularly.
I want to create kind & safe environment with the people surrounding me at work & home, family & friends.
Daily to do at least 3 kind acts.
Daily to do at least 3 kind acts.
I want to create a supportive, kind and respectful environment for me and people around me each day,
I pledge to be kind to myself by being time outside in nature
I pledge to do the daily acts of kindness from the kindness jar!
I pledge that I will work on being accepting and kind towards myself and others through being thoughtful and brave.
I pledge to be kinder to myself to be able to be kinder to those around me!
To collect non perishables to provide to homeless and vulnerable families we support
I pledge to be kind to myself, so I can spread kindness to others and to check in on friends and family more regularly.
I pledge to do a kind act each day of July
I pledge to take time out regularly throughout my day to reflect on what's occurring around me, be available to those in need.
I pledge to approach everyone with the love care, and respect that I would a close friend.
I pledge to be the best version of myself, inspire others to do the same. Kindness if priceless and free to do each day, go on try it.
I pledge to be kind first, always, even in small ways towards others and towards myself. We need more love, peace and kindness in the world.
I pledge to initiate more face to face conversations this July, to actively listen and lift people up by making them feel seen.
I pledge to be kind to create a kind and positive environment for not just my wonderful colleagues but also for myself.
I pledge to love for others what I love for my self, to actively safeguard children from violence, abuse, by providing safe environment.
I pledge to be patient with all the people I encounter, so that they can know they are valued and that they are seen.
I pledge to stay kind and look out for opportunities each day to be kind no matter how big or small.
I pledge to spread kindness to those in need
I will treat everyone the same, no one is different we are all the same. Love One Another.
i will be kind to all my friends and family and teachers
I want to help and be kind to each other. and hang out with friends I don't usually hang out with
I pledge to help anyone who are struggling, and do it without hesitation.
Showing and treating everyone with kindness especially if you don't know them.
i Will be kind to my sister Beth and my mum and dad
i Will be kind to my sister Beth and my mum and dad
I want to be kind to others